This winter-esque hike was, before last Saturday,
something on my “never” list. A “never”
list is like a bucket list only less fun and much safer. Accomplishing things on a never list makes you
feel smug and maybe a little more pulled to the earth. Solid even. It does not give you an adrenaline rush, or
bring on delirious grinning, or lead you to yell “OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD!” It can
even occasionally make you feel a little elevated in righteousness, if that’s
your sort of thing. Or it can simply
make you feel wise and smart and like you have beat the odds by not testing the
My never list is not anything official. It’s not documented or catalogued or neatly
ordered. But neither is my bucket list,
or just about anything else in my life, it seems. It’s really just several random things that
I have no interest in doing because I believe them to be unsafe, uncomfortable
and/or uninteresting. OK there are a few
things that could be added because I think they are down right idiotic and even
asinine. Like running with the bulls for instance. And accomplishing not ever
doing things on a never list is sort of like giving up liver and onions for Lent
when you never come into contact with liver and onions to begin with. My never list is not incredibly long. It couldn’t really be categorized through any
recognizable data sorting system, such as Dewey or BISAC. In fact I hadn’t even thought about it until I
was hiking in snow and getting deep within my hiking head space. I will
never go scuba diving. I will never go
bungee jumping. I will never wear a
turtleneck, at least not, happily. I
will never enjoy a Tilt-O-Whirl. I will
never like tapioca and it’s fairly unlikely that I will eat liver and onions
during Lent or any other 40 day block of time.
Until this past weekend I would never have
hiked after Columbus Day weekend, with the exception of hiking two weeks ago at
the end of October. And that was before there was any snow on the ground, which
I very carefully checked and watched closely, the Weather Channel up until I
lost service 10 minutes from the trailhead. I’m a fairly cautious hiker. I know
my limits. I know the dangers. I plan
accordingly. Hiking beyond Columbus Day
weekend brings the possibility of risks that I am uninterested in facing. Snow, ice, falling 4000 or so feet to my
death, or slipping on one ice covered rock and falling into the bared teeth of
a hungry black bear. It could happen! Maybe….so why take that sort of risk?
The truth is that hiking the
Adirondack High Peaks Region is not without risk in any season. Knowing now, just how much risk-taking is relative, I am a pretty low key participant on the
risk seeking continuum. I don’t
typically seek them out. On rare
occasions when I am facing them, I try to remain open in consideration and
weigh out the staying alive factor when deciding about risks.
I went hiking after Columbus Day weekend this
year because I was heading into a serious bout of a consuming, immobilizing
funk that I knew could lead to some unnecessary and avoidable high risk
consequences. The threat of developing bedsores and loss of vision through dry
eyes from long stretches of staring, unblinking at my ceiling was not only
lurking, but a few times seemed to be the only real option in coping with the
news of my daughter’s breast cancer. (Maybe bedsores and dry eye are not exactly
life or death conditions or even worth mentioning in comparison.)
The reality of my ineptitude in being able to
protect my daughter from a cancer that could not be foreseen has been daunting on
good days and damn near debilitating on quite a few others. I know cancer is not typically seen afore, or
easily detected or even expected until it multiplies into some fierce bad toxin
that knocks whole families to their knees.
We don’t look for cancer and worse yet in cases of breast irregularities,
doctors continue to overlook symptoms in younger women if there is not a
genetic predisposition. Or at least a
known link. I hope this will change. I hope no one else’s daughter is sent home to
allow concerns and irregularities to grow and spread until it has reached other
organs and can finally be named stage four breast cancer. And I hope my daughter is able to reach the
top of this hardest climb and emerge emboldened and smiling and safe.
I got out of bed and went hiking post Columbus
Day because, well, my daughter hasn’t stopped moving once since her
diagnosis. She is fierce and strong and
not willing to be stopped by almost anything.
(I’m not sure if there is an almost, I haven’t seen it yet.) Staring at
the ceiling to cope with my inability to help her, seemed to not honor the
spirit of her, it wasn’t helping her, and it had the potential to make things
worse. She didn’t need to worry about
the impact it was having on me. I went
hiking with a friend who has recently discovered the thrill of hiking
mountains. I loved hearing his
enthusiasm and convinced him to come to the Adirondacks to hike a high peak
with me. Anything to get me
vertical. I ignored that I was out of
shape from all that ceiling staring, I knew I would find my way to the top, or
wanted to believe anyway. He suggested a
peak outside of the range of the 46 High Peaks.
A little one. Only 3,694-foot. I was, in my mind a little disappointed. Hiking Hurricane Mountain was on my never list. And now that I think of it, it would be in
the No Need To, or Why Bother column. It’s not
a high peak.
Hiking for me is a great many things. But it is a way to reach a goal, first and
foremost, or so I thought until now. Hurricane
Mountain is not a high peak, so why bother hiking it? It won’t get me closer to
becoming a 46er, I thought to myself. My thoughtful risk
analysis also suggested to me that I was not in hiking condition, and I was happy to
have a friend willing and eager to hike with me and guide me out of my useless
funk. So I went along with this "little" hike. I hiked, and panted, and turned
purple trying to keep up or at least upright.
I sweated and breathed heavily and stopped occasionally to meditate or
keep from passing out. I had that
internal hiking conversation I sometimes have of late, “If I die here, I will
have died happily, doing what I love, in nature.” Then I take in a deep breath and go on,
knowing I will survive this hike.
As I approached the top of Hurricane something happened. Adrenaline popped and pumped and spit its way
through every neuron and synapse. Suddenly I was smiling. Twirling. Experiencing elevation elation. The sky
opened to reveal blue, the view was spectacular, like no other I have seen. (Each peak of course provides a unique
vantage point.) A bird was performing and clucking overhead, spiraling and
gliding and playing in the airstream.
This would have stayed on my never list, if not for my hiking partner,
if not for my daughter’s cancer, if not for learning I have such little power, and so very much.
I found myself eager to go up to the mountains
again to check on my cottage, to stay away from the lurking consuming useless
feelings, and because my friend is available and eager, addicted even, to go
hiking. Because I skipped down Hurricane
Mountain and walked to the lake to celebrate with Prosecco afterwards, I have impressed upon my friend
that what I might lack in physical conditioning I make up for in moxy and
determination. I talk him into a high
peak. He tries to divert me, but seems
curious by my chops at least.
I don’t tell him on our drive up, but I am already
busy formulating my exit ticket. The
weather seems a bit, shall we say…. Frigid?
No fun, just uncomfortable.
Conditions could be icy, cold, snowy and even idiotic to attempt. We enjoy dinner, wine, music, deep
conversations and decide to set out early enough to make it back down before
daylight saving darkness. After whirlwind
cleaning, to prepare the house for guests arriving in my absence, a trip to the
dump, the local farm, and a meandering drive through the back roads of Essex
County, we get to the trailhead near about 10:40, late, for official hiking protocol.
The hiking was spectacular. And of course, I got to do the mind
meandering and head organizing that I often do while hiking. I started considering the whole concept of Never.
I began to realize how we all, or most of us anyway, have these rules
that restrict us perhaps more than keep us safe. I started thinking, as I now must, about the
richness of life. About the fragility
and the timidity that we sometimes approach our lives with. I started thinking about not wanting to waste
too many more moments. I started
thinking about Never and Why the Hell Not? I don’t want to look at too many I Wish I Had But Lacked the Courage or
Worse, the Faith, in myself, in others. I don't want those kind of lists to adhere to.

When we make it to the top, there are a few
points that we, either one or the other, find ourselves reaching for that exit
ticket. A vertical stretch that is
difficult to scramble in ice. As I am
deciding to wait, I have already seen the top, I encourage him onward. Try
your foot here. Reach there. You have to!
You will not want to miss it. After
he gets up. I decide I have to join. He reaches down to help me up. Slowly and cautiously we can both do
this. We came this far. We have
It is amazing, this view of Never Say Never, and Get It
While You Can. I’m not sure if I
will hike again in snow and inevitably ice.
I think probably not, but find myself ordering crampons and researching
gloves from the safe warm comfort of my home the very next day. And honestly, testing the fates or beating the odds, I think that system is rigged, like last weeks elections....but staying positive, in the game, and grinning deliriously from time to time staves off bedsores and a great many other ailments have been fought down through believing in the impossible.
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